Linggo, Hulyo 21, 2013

Blogpost 4: The Benefits of Spanking

In the eyes of many, spanking is dangerous to apply for children. It has lots of bad effects on children but somehow, there is at least few things that people can benefit from spanking. As I write this post, I will be focusing on the benefits of spanking only because I intend to have equality to the given topic and It is only logical to see both sides of this topic. 

In my recent posts I have mentioned a lot of negative parts when it comes to spanking and while I was doing my research, a topic took my sight away from the negative side. It was entitled, “Will Spanking Make Your Child Successful?” by the Weekstaff. The benefit of spanking only concerns those who are at age 2-6. Research shows that spanking a child within that age span makes the child more compliant at what you wanted them to do because the mental state of children within age 2-6 has not yet developed the point where they can realize all the possible reasons of spanking other than making them into a better person in the future. 

According to psychology professor Dr. Marjorie Gunnoe, spanking children below the age of 6 makes them more successful in life, she questioned at least 2,600 people and a quarter of them who have not been spanked. The results was baffling because most of them who have been spanked below the age of 6 turned out to be successful in life and said that if they haven't been spanked before, they wouldn't know how to discipline themselves to become a better person. Although, the remaining people who claims that they have been spanked at the age of 6 onwards, reveals the opposite outcome. Researchers believe that the reason behind this outcome is because children at the age of 6 onwards are becoming more mature in a way where they can decide for themselves whether what they see around them is good or bad. 

We often hear a lot of thoughts from the people who are against spanking but have you ever wonder what the pro-spanking people thinks of about spanking? An article about misunderstanding spanking entitled, "Why Spanking is needed?" by Paul J. Preston, says that spanking has been misunderstood as a concept of child abuse. Spanking is the state of punishment where you spank your child's bottom, however, spanking a child or inflicting damage at the parts of the body for example, the face, stomach, head, of any other parts aside from the child's bottom is NOT spanking. Also, inflicting damage until the child has bruises, marks, or even blood is not considered spanking but child abuse.

Paul J. Preston says, "Punishments have to be painful if they are to work. Remember punishments are unpleasant consequences that stop an unwanted behavior. We should not stop spanking because it is painful. On those grounds, we would never use any punishment."

This simplifies that spanking a child without brutally inflicting damage is a form of legal punishment because as he said, punishments are meant to be painful whether they are physical, mental, or emotional they are still painful, but in the contrary, parents should never abuse their rights because spanking doesn't necesarily means that you can apply whatever punishment you want to your child.

This made me realize the difference of spanking between child abuses. And it occurred to me how we developed the habit of punishing children brutally just so they will learn to behave themselves properly. Spanking is not that bad at all, although, it still depends on how parents limit their punishment on their children.


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