Linggo, Hulyo 21, 2013

Blogpost 5: The Temptation of Spanking

In history, we have seen many cases of which spanking is involved but have we ever thought of what triggers spanking? In my recent posts, I have thought of reasons on what makes people spank their children. Is it only because of stress? Is there a need of consultation where the subject is having a mental disorder where he/she can't stop punishing his/her child? Or is there another, much worse reason why people are so tempted to spank their children. In this article I shall be focusing on the common temptations of spanking. 

In the article, "Spanking: Wrong, but so tempting", by Sierra Black says that spanking a child is a means to release their anger and frustration. If one observes the naughtiness of their child one cannot just simply lecture them because it won't have an affect on the child much rather, it will only increase their devotion to do it over and over again. By doing it again and again parents will be filled up by stress because imagine parents with enough stress in their life due to everyday living has children whose constantly frustrating them with their needs and wants in life, that makes them go nuts and start spanking them no matter what. This is one of the basic temptations that parents deal with when confronting with their child. 

Another individual that shares the same thought is Krista Pfeiffer, in her post entitled, "Is Spanking Bad Child Discipline?" which she reveals her thoughts when being confronted by temptation. She says that there are times when her children often makes her very frustrated but she doesn't spank them, much less, she purge all her anger and frustration inside her and keeps a moment of silence to not talk to her children until such time when she is ready to come face to face to them and give them a lecture but not spanking. She also says that a thought occurred to her during those moments of silence, "I sometimes wonder what happens to all that anger i felt the moment I wanted to spank. Does it just get stored until it eventually reveals itself in the form of gray hairs on my head and wrinkles on my face? Is it slowly eating years of my life away? I know how satisfying it can be to slam a door or throw a shoe when I'm angry. I can't help but think spanking a child who has done something wrong would bring a similar level of satisfaction." makes us all question what might happen if we can't take enough stress anymore. Will it make us spank our children into the most severed way possible? 

Due to those questions I came up with the idea to search for alternative ways to release those frustrations which are the following: 
  • Give yourself a time-out. 
          -meaning if you somehow feel the need to spank your child, you should take a break, try to keep your child away from you where he/she can be safe then take a moment for yourself until such time when you feel calm. 
  • Implement logical consequences.
          -meaning, you should know how to punish your child by giving them consequences for their actions rather than spanking them for misbehaviors. 
  • Say "no" and mean it. 
          -when your children misbehave always try to say no to what they are doing. Use your anger tone, hawk eye and clear notes when speaking those words. Afterwards, instruct them at what will happen if they fail to do as they were told. 

These are the examples of how to control your temptation or how to give away stress in a much easier state. So there we have it, follow this steps to avoid spanking your child and you will do good as a parent! 


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